

chibi baby daikon

this guy fell out of my lettuce, so cute
I'm so lucky to get fresh stuff all the time.  Today I got some tai sashimi in kelp, but I don't think I was supposed to remove it from the kelp... It was too sticky.  But now I learned something new (the hard way).
I also got some really fresh store quality eggs.  They were laid just today! I made 卵かけごはん (tamagokakegohan raw egg on rice). I also ate the radish I picked yesterday.

Earlier today, I went to the eye doctor since I had a slight rash on my eye for about a week.  I got medicine and hopefully it will heal in a couple days.
I had another happy surprise today when someone I had met once at a dance class turned out to work at the clinic!  Then the doctor also goes to Hawaii a couple times a year, so I suggested some places (my mom's work, specifically).

i got this booklet for all of my prescriptions #aomori
