wild strawberry

Today, I picked a ton of strawberries.  Regular strawberries, one white strawberry, and a bunch of wild strawberries!  I've never heard of wild strawberries before, but they're mini strawberries that smell more like strawberries than regular strawberries!  They smell fake like candy.  They taste as good or even better than some regular strawberries.  I also learned how to not mistake wild strawberries for mock strawberries or hebiichigo as they are called here.  Wild strawberries fruit faces downward instead and mock strawberries face up.  Pictures below for reference!  Wikipedia says they are edible, but I was told not to eat these, so I will try to refrain from eating them.

I also got some radish and a cauliflower, but I'm still thinking about how I should cook it.

I also picked some flowers!  I put all the names in the pictures below.  I wanted try flower pressing as a new hobby. We'll see how it turns out.

I also got a sprig of apple mint and my first thought was to make a cocktail. (さすが me) But since I don't have any liquor at home, I just crushed it and put it in my bathroom.

Before going home, I also got some sukiyaki my friend made for her family and it was so good.  I miss being cooked for.

蛇苺(へびいちご)hebiichigo (snake strawberry)
Mock strawberry

lamb's ear.  the name is super appropriate right?

lamb's ear are super fuzzy.  it's super weird, but cool
according to the all-knowing internet, you can use them as bandages
and they're edible??? this reminds me oppenheim's object
cucumber, lettuce, radish



tried a white strawberry! it was super sweet

i think these are just weeds or something, but i thought they were pretty 

i picked a cauliflower!

lots of strawberries (plus one that looks like a butt)

Potato plants! These didn't flower yet

Ojama'ed our way into the neighbor's field to see potato flowers


Campanula / Bellflower

Campanula / Bellflower

Blue false indigo (Baptisia australis)

紫蘭(しらん)shiran (purple orchid)
Hyacinth orchid (Bletilla striata)

紫蘭(しらん)Shiran (purple orchid)
Hyacinth orchid (Bletilla striata)

都忘 (ミヤコワスレ)Miyakowasure (forget the city)
China aster (Miyamayomena savateri)
