
This event I did during summer vacation is basically a community walk, but mostly done with the first years at two of my middle schools.  We walked from one end of town to the other (after crossing through an intersecting town in the middle by bus).  We walked 38.5 kilometers about 24 miles in maybe 10-11 hours? over a span of two days.  It was such a great experience, not only walking, but also staying the night and having like a massive sleepover with students and teachers and townspeople.  Of course my body was so sore and the back of my knees actually got swollen.  But it was worth it all.  I saw such beautiful nature.  The weather was really nice (too good actually--I wish it was a little bit more overcast).  I have so much more to say, but that's it for now.  Please check out the pictures and the captions!

I'm uploading this post super late (August 18), so almost a month after this happened.  I'm falling behind on uploading as expected from me.  So I might be missing some pictures, but if I notice I'll upload them later. 

starting off from Cape Tappi

second time seeing a live snake in the wild

dragon on the post office

we passed by many places drying kelp 

floating seaweed

this was literally the sidewalk and we were like okay???

i love this color of ajisai

was so hungry i forgot to take a pic haha

this is such an interesting shape of ajisai

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giant spider web and a caught dragonfly

like i'm walking on the sky

much needed katorisenko

was so hungry i forgot to take pictures of the curry!

more spiders

post-onsen yogurt

my favorite oyaji-gag karuta
dad-joke puns in card game form!

breakfast made and prepared by students!

first litter haul of the day

these saved my life
