a tuesday

Today, I stopped by the house of a friend who lives really close to me.  We had snacks and a couple drinks.  She showed me her little garden in the back and she gave me shallots and garlic! I never saw fresh garlic from the ground before.  She says hers are tiny, and they were a bit small, but I was still impressed.  She had a lot of different veggies like asparagus, and a blueberry bush, and a small gumi tree.  It was an interesting fruit. I ended up staying over for dinner and I ate delicious somen noodles and scallops andother yummy foods.  I met her husband who had a cool collection of sake cups.  Some of them were crazy expensive!!!  He let me drink some sake from one of them and it really was nice to the touch.  I'm a sucker for these kinds of things!

I had such a lovely time, and I was also able to really have a good talk about some of my feelings with my friend.  She is so kind to listen to me and give me advice.  I am really lucky. 

エシャロット which comes from the French word: échalote



one ripe blueberry!

い believe this is nira ニラ

this is asparagus!! and one too long asparagus haha




beautiful cup
