asamushi beach
Another beach day, but this time to the east side of Aomori-shi--Asamushi! Of course the weather was horrible in Kanita, but once we left and got well into Yomogita (the town south of us) it was clear skies. Finally broke out my インスタントコンロ or "instant stove" which is a super super convenient mini barbecue grill that is literally only about ¥300 or $3!! It worked surprisingly well and even though it says it will burn for 90 minutes, it was quite hot for a long time after that. I love it! I bought two more after. I prepared some yakitori and sausages and other snacks. Afterward we went to Yu-sa and Asamushi Onsen. It was my first time going to an onsen with open windows!! They were floor to ceiling windows, too! We were on the 4th floor I think, but still, I'm assuming it's a one-way window. We ate a "biribiri soft" cream, which is a spicy red pepper flavored ice cream, which was not good. I like spicy sweet things, but the flavor was just kind...